Field Cultivator Sweeps

If you want to add strength and longevity to your field work, ShieldAg Field Cultivator sweeps with Surfa-Shield™ wear protection will last 2-3 times longer than standard sweeps.

Sweeps with SURFA-SHIELD™ wear protection, on stem and cutting edge

Part #SizeWeight
FCC4-SST088˝ X 1/4", Surfa-Shield, two-hole3
FCC4-SST099˝ X 1/4", Surfa-Shield, two-hole3.1
FCC4-SST1010˝ X 1/4", Surfa-Shield, two-hole3.2
FCC4-SST1111˝ X 1/4", Surfa-Shield, two-hole3.5
FCC4-SST1212˝ X 1/4", Surfa-Shield, two-hole3.7

Sweeps without SURFA-SHIELD™ wear protection

Part #SizeWeight
FCC4-099˝ X 1/4", two-hole3.0
FCC4-1010˝ X 1/4", two-hole3.1
FCC4-1111˝ X 1/4", two-hole3.4
FCC4-1212˝ X 1/4", two-hole3.6
Part #SizeWeight
3-47/16 x 1-3/4 Bolt/nut box 50ea6
Z3-47/16 x 1-3/4 Bolt only per 500ea44